Accepting Credit Cards Does Not Have to be Expensive!
To remain competitive, it is almost mandatory for small businesses to accept credit cards.
But, knowing what you need and the best solution for your business can be overwhelming.
As a Dublin Chamber member, you now have an opportunity to get a free cost analysis from FiNet, a leading payment processing provider for small businesses throughout Ohio and the rest of the country.
Accepting credit cards doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, FiNet offers Dublin Chamber members:
• Discounted pricing
• No monthly minimum
• No setup, programming or cancellation fees
• A free cost analysis
• Access to additional products (mobile payments, point-of-sale systems, virtual terminal, gift cards, check acceptance services and more!)
FiNet is based right here in Ohio and offers you world-class service with in-house sales and support teams who are ready to walk you through the payment acceptance process.The goal: Simplify your processes and make sure you are using the payment solutions that best fit your needs.
Find Out More by Downloading These Product Brochures
How do I get started?
Contact Trish Tudor, Relationship Manager with FiNet, at 800-487-5577 or by emailing trishT@finet.net for a free cost analysis.
Who is FiNet?
FiNet provides payment processing services to small businesses and organizations throughout the country. We understand the needs of small businesses because we are one ourselves. We share a common philosophy: providing the best possible option for our customers and then standing behind it with world class service. And we specialize in the same personalized hands-on approach your customers have grown to expect from you.
The staff of FiNet has, collectively, over 150 years of experience in the credit card industry. Our phones are answered by a live human. Our sales and support teams are in-house. Most importantly, we consider ourselves a partner who will guide you through the increasingly complicated world of payment acceptance. The “knuckle busters” are long gone and have been replaced by a variety of high-tech terminals, cloud-based systems, mobile solutions and integrated software. With the ever-growing concern over fraud, ever-changing initiatives like EMV chip cards and the required compliance to PCI security standards, accepting payments has become a complicated proposition for business owners. Our goal is to simplify the process and keep you informed. Plus we’ll make sure you’re using the payment systems that best fit your company and ensure that you aren’t overpaying to do it.Processing provided for the Dublin Chamber of Commerce by FiNet, a registered ISO/MSP of BMO Harris Bank NA.
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