City of Dublin Strategic Focus Areas
Fiscal Health & Economic Vitality
Policy: The City ensures its financial security through the implementation and coordination of sound fiscal policies; carefully balanced land planning reflecting sound land-use principles; forward investing in infrastructure development; and a continuous focus on successful economic development programs.
Liveable, Sustainable and Safe
Policy: The City supports a liveable, sustainable and safe community by encouraging community pride and facilitating a high level of quality of life for citizens by planning and emphasizing public safety, innovative programs and extraordinary amenities.
Civic Engagement
Policy: The City creates a participatory environment for the active engagement of residents and community stakeholders by promoting proactive and ongoing communication; providing opportunities for citizens to utilize their talents and skills to benefit the community; and encouraging citizen education and interactions with the City and other organizations in order to foster pride and ownership in the community.
Public Services and Infrastructure
Policy: The City provides appropriately designed, well-maintained and robust public infrastructure systems. Additionally, the City provides exemplary public services delivered in a manner to ensure an extraordinary quality of life. Infrastructure and services are provided in a cost-effective manner to meet the needs and expectations of residents, businesses, visitors and other stakeholders. These systems and services are created and implemented through a process of thoughtful prioritization with broad community input.
Smart, Customer-focused Government
Policy: The City maximizes its financial and human resources to execute the responsibilities of local government and to achieve established goals. The City is accountable and responsive to the needs and the desires of the community by employing performance-based management systems; evaluating best practices of other high-performing organizations; and working collaboratively with other public entities to provide efficient, responsive and innovative local government.
Goals and strategic focus areas are developed collaboratively by Dublin City Council and the Dublin Administration. Dublin City Council revisits and adopts these annual policies following their annual goal-setting retreat.